Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dream #1


've decided to start illustrating the dreams that stand out the most to me. I mostly have really terrible nightmares almost every night, but I don't really want to draw those. I'm going to draw the dreams that were the most fascinating, that seemed to have the most meaning, or the ones that have stayed in my mind for the longest time. Here's one from a year or two ago:
In this dream, I was having a picnic in a field where all of the plant life was pink and everything was beautiful but there was a tornado in the background destroying everything. I dream about tornados a lot where I am terrified and trying to find a safe place to hide, but this one was different because I was entirely indifferent to the tornado. I just kept on picnic-ing.

Anyone want to try analyzing this dream? Also I'd love to hear about your dreams.

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